Tuesday, 10 October 2017

Crypto Professional Technology, A Legit Matrix Program or Scam?

Crypto Professional Technology Review

If you are reading this post, then you obviously want to join Crypto Professional Technology. Don't worry, you are at the right place to have the right info.

Read on!  
In this post, I want us to look at one program that is making waves on the internet.

With Crypto Professional Technology, you will turn 0.003 BTC into 1.163 BTC.

What is CryptoProfessional Technology offering?

It is a giving and receiving platform where members donate to each other. It is an excellent avenue to experience the tremendous force of giving.
Crypto Professional Technology is a forced company matrix. The admins have done an incredible job of analyzing the loopholes and weaknesses of all other matrices in order to come up with this unique piece of jewel. 

What are the features of this program? What makes it different from others?

First of all, it is a Company Forced Straight-line matrix.

Don’t’ be scared with the so many big words.
Simply put, though it has 4 stages, it is not a 2x4 matrix. It does not function following the traditional model of Left Leg and Right Leg matrices.

No! Members are placed in a single line and under each other as they register.

Let me explain this with a concrete example.
I will use a binary matrix to point the weaknesses of such so that you can better understand a straight line matrix.

Look at the picture below. It is Anda and her team. Anda has three members in his team: A, C, D.
This matrix is bound to face some issues along the line.
As a binary plan, Anda is supposed to have two people directly under him. However, that is not the case here. There is already a hole in the plan. If it continues like that, Anda and his referrals will keep on working and bringing people but will not be making the money. 

Remember that a matrix pays when there is no hole.
This situation has been created because the referrals under A were brought by him. They have been placed under him/her. That sounds great, isn't it? After all, they are his referrals. Why should they be placed under someone else? 

The problem with this form of reasoning is that it breaks the spirit of team work. This matrix will face a lot of difficulties along the line and will eventually collapse.
If Anda does not fill the other positions, he will end up being very discouraged and will eventually abandon. 
With Crypto Professional Technology, things are done differently. The model of Crypto Professional Technology is not based on a binary model (2 legs/sides) but a single line.

If we use the example of Anda and his team, this is how they would have been placed in a straight line matrix
Anda - A- B- C- D- E... That will give us something like what you see on the image below.
With a single line matrix, there is no room for a hole to be created in the matrix as new members are placed as they come in. This fosters team spirit and creates a win-win situation for all. For every new member, it will take just 2 people to cycle. As simple as that.

Now, picture it this way: You give 0.003 BTC plus two people that you bring into the system who give each 0.003 BTC. You are setting yourself on the way to earn 1.163 BTC.

No, I am not Joking!

What is the value of Bitcoin on the market?   It is on Fire! 
That is what Crypto Professional Technology is doing and so far so good, everybody is working and gaining. Just as I am doing right now. I am not an administrator but someone who has understood the program and has seen a great potential in it. I won't keep quiet and I can't keep quiet either. Who will keep quiet when he/she knows that there is a genuine source of income to all? The more we are, the better and faster the income!

Secondly, the length of the matrix.

What kills most matrices is the length. When a matrix needs thousands of people to cycle out, it is bound to slow down and the members become discouraged.

Crypto ProfessionalTechnology is the shortest matrix you will find on the internet. It requires only 6 people to cycle out at a given stage as explained in the third feature of Crypto Professional Technology.

Crypto Professional Technology has a unique compensation plan.


The first three stages have 2 levels each while the last stage has just 1 level.

Each level of the first 3 stages needs x2 people to cycle out. In other words, you need 1x2 = 2 people in level one and 2x2=4 people in level two of each stage.

The last stage, the EXECUTIVE DIAMOND stage requires 3 people to cycle out.


Fourthly, what makes Crypto Professional Technology unique is the Bonuses reserved for hard working members.

As a company forced matrix, people are lined up as they register and buy a position. It doesn’t matter who brings them in. 

In a traditional binary matrix as we explained earlier, there is a rush for recruitment because you only earn from those you recruited. With a company forced matrix, you earn when it is your turn. 

Now this type of set up can create a situation wherein nobody recruits or promotes the platforms. This type of set up reduces the rush for referrals and may give room for slow growth.

The admins of Crypto Professional Technology were smart enough to foresee this. This is where referral commission comes in handy. 

This the fuel behind the growth of the program.

The first bonus is the referral's commission.

For every referral recruited by a member, 1/3 of the member’s donation is given to the sponsor. In order words, 0.001 BTC is given to the sponsor from the 0.003 BTC donated by the member.

This is quite interesting! 

With this, there is no reason not to recruit. Though your referrals are not placed under you, you have 1/3 of that referral’s investment.

Imagine yourself  having 10 referrals. That will be 0.001 x 10 = 0.01. That is more than 3 times my initial investment.

Even if you don’t have money to buy a position, you can promote and use the bonuses to purchase a position. Three referrals are enough for you to raise 0.003BTC to purchase a position.

The second bonus is the matching bonus.

Once each of your referrals gets to EXECUTIVE DIAMOND and completes that stage, you get 0.02 BTC.

Imagine that your 10 referrals all get to this stage, that will be 0.02 x 10 = 0.2 BTC. That is is close to $1000 at the current market price. 
The above are enough incentives to get the program moving.

So guys, let’s rock it.

what makes Crypto Professional Technology unique is the way it handles the people at the top.

Remember, I pointed in Understanding MLM, Its Pros and Cons that what makes a program to fail at times is the fact that the first people to come in are forever at the top. 

That is damned discouraging!

Crypto Professional Technology has taken care of that by adding an automatic re-entry rule. This means that before a member cycles out and collects money from that level, funds are automatically taken from his/her earning to pay for the next level.

Once a member cycles out DIAMOND level 2, 20 new positions are created at the Bronze stage. These positions are paid using part of his/her earnings. These 20 new positions will help 10 people to cycle out Bronze stage level 1. The effects will also be felt at other stages.

Once a member cycles out EXECUTIVE DIAMOND, 130 new positions are created at the Bronze stage. These positions are paid using part of his earning. These 130 new positions will help 65 people to cycle out Bronze stage level 1. The effects will also be felt at other stages. It will move people from level to another and from one stage to another.

That will speed up the entire process. With this set up, every member is very certain to cycle at least once!

Investing 0.003 BTC to earn 1.163 even If it is just once is quite interesting.

That is what makes it interesting!

Let's go to back to our example with Anda and his team to understand it better.
In Crypto Professional Technology, this is what will happen to Anda and his team.

Once Anda cycles DIAMOND stage level 2, he is not given all the money. 

No! Money is deducted from his earnings to pay for 20 positions at BRONZE stage level 1. 

His 20 new positions who will push A, B, C, D, E and F to cycle out as well.
The same goes when he cycles EXECUTIVE DIAMOND. 130 new positions are created for him in BRONZE Stage Level 1.

This is done automatically. In other words, nobody will run after Anda or beg or expect that he be willing to re-enter to push others to the top. 

No! Anda may not be too willing to do that. We have seen them in so many programs like this. Once they cycle, they disappear in the cosmos!

Whoa! That is the most interesting and assuring part of Crypto Professional Technology!

I want to say something at this stage. I have vowed never to join any matrix that promises more than 1 BTC as earning. 
Matrices that promise 5, 10, 20, 25 BTC are very unrealistic. It will take thousands to get.
In fact, nobody ever cycles out!

Another important feature of Crypto Professional Technology is the admins. 

This is in fact the backbone of any online earning platform. The people behind must be honest and trustworthy.
Can I guarantee that as far as Crypto Professional Technology is concerned? 

I wish I could beat my chest and say, “yes!” You agree with me that there is no scientific device to ascertain somebody's trustworthiness. 

However, the following are some good indicators
So far so good, nobody has complained of not been paid their earnings and bonuses.
  • They respond to member’s worries.
  • They have been transparent about what is going with the program. 
  • They constantly provide update as to who has completed a given stage.
  • They are public faces. This is very key because most often scammers don’t put up their real identity on social media. As for these guys, we know who they are.
  • I have personally have a chat with them and can give a green light as far their trustworthiness is concerned.

The above factors are what I have used to evaluate their trustworthiness.
I want to mention here that I am not one of the promoters nor am I an admin. I am a member just as you are.

if all goes well as planned, then CryptoProfessional Technology has come to stay!

Whoa! Now that you have understood what Crypto Professional Technology is, don't hesitate to pluck your place in this great program. It is already making waves on social media.

Make sure your sponsor name is Jules Fadi

Join the  CryptoProfessional Technology Official Facebook Group to learn more. Once you register, let me know so that we work together to promote this. It is possible to buy a position from your earnings

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